
Cheerleading Questionnaire

Personal and Academic Information:

Full Name: Social Security Number: E-mail Address:
Permanent Address: City, State and ZIP: Home and Cell Phone Numbers:
Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY): Height: Weight:
Parent/Guardian's Name(s): Parent/Guardian's Occupation(s): Name of High School:
High School Address: City, State and ZIP: High School Phone Number:
High School Coach's Name: H.S. Coach's Phone Number: Grade Point Average:
High School Graduation Date: Rank in Class: Areas of Academic Interest:
ACT or SAT Score: Academic Awards/Honors/Etc: Hobbies:

Cheerleading Information:

Years in Cheerleading : Years in Gymnastics: Years on Dance Team:

Please type "yes" or "no" accordingly beside each of the following skills:

List any other gymnastic skills you have...

Do you have any experience with a co-ed partner? If so, for how long?

List any past or present injuries...

List any honors or awards you have received for cheerleading/gymnastics/dance/etc...

Have you attended any other college(s)? If so, which one(s)?

What do you plan to study in college?

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